Paleo-Hebrew Essentials

Converted Jews in the Closing Work

There will be many converted from among the Jews, and these converts will aid in preparing the way of the Lord, and making straight in the desert a highway for our God. Converted Jews are to have an important part to act in the great preparations to be made in the future to receive Christ, our Prince. A nation shall be born in a day. (Is 66:8) How? By men whom God has appointed being converted to the truth. There will be seen “first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear.” (Mk 4:28) The [...]

May 12, 2018|Categories: Paleo-Hebrew Essentials|

ABC of LOVE – Gospel in Aleph-Beith

Did you know that when Moses, David or Isaiah were writing their original scrolls, each letter was an icon-representation of a real thing? When you put these icons or picture-letters in their original order you will discover "The Gospel in Aleph-Beith." I call it "ABC of Love" for a good reason. Before our heavenly Father would create tangible worlds by His Word (Jn 1:1), He expressed the Word in its building blocks - picture-letters, which we might consider the DNA of the whole Universe. Here is the ancient Paleo-Hebrew alphabet in one page for you: The ABC of the LOVE Cycle. In a nutshell [...]

August 12, 2017|Categories: Paleo-Hebrew Essentials|

Animated Bible Books Overview

Guess what? You don't want to miss this one. Two young people decided to create The Bible Project and in a few minutes give you an animated overview for each book in the Bible. It's a delight to see this effort. It's insightful and very practical when you work with teenagers or people who are just learning about Bible and it's overarching messages. Here you have the Old Testament Books: In the top left corner of this video is the playlist of all books from the Old Testament. And here are the New Testament Books: And how does it relate to [...]

January 20, 2017|Categories: Paleo-Hebrew Essentials|

Abba and Emma – Dad and Mom

ABBA and EMMA   I love the word Abba, the Father. It was dear to Jesus (Mr 14:36) and Paul (Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6) and it is dear to me as well! Today I learned from Dr. Frank Seekins the meaning of the word mother, which would better sound in Hebrew as "Emma". As you can listen in his lecture the meaning of the word AMEN, which we would translate as SO BE IT, TRULY, VERILY comes from two words: Motherand seed, life. The same word AMEN or AMAN can be also translated as FAITHFUL. And its meaning is seen in these [...]

March 6, 2016|Categories: Paleo-Hebrew Essentials|

Abba and Messiah in Aleph-Beith

Today, Aug 12, 2017, is a big day for me! Article below was created more than year ago and I studied the content of it for about two years. English is my second language and I am financially limited so it took a lot of time to find friends and people who could help me with write my first book. Praise the LORD and all these precious people, the book "ABC of LOVE" is  today here, ready and available for you. It contains the basic idea from the article below but with much more insights and great illustrations. If you [...]

March 4, 2016|Categories: Paleo-Hebrew Essentials|

Aleph-Beth: meaning of the picture-letters (with New video)

Hi dear children, moms and pops! Here is the lesson one: the meaning of all the pictures-letters as I was able to collect them. Once you will feel familiar with them, you can start to read them in your "Picture Bible" (Please use Firefox browser in order to see the picture-letters and not today's Hebrew fonts.) 😉 #1 - Aleph - OX, BULL - strong, strength, power, leader, first. Today we have Eleph-ant which has the same word-root and when you look at your letter "A" and turn it upside down - as it originally should be - to your [...]

November 14, 2014|Categories: Paleo-Hebrew Essentials|

Mother White and Hebrew

Do you like pleasant surprises? Me too. Last week (July ’11) I was at Soquel SDA Camp meeting and after the program I went to the ABC book store. What did I find? Something astonishing – there was a book explaining the Hebrew roots of our Bible and as I was looking through it, here is where my eyes landed: […]

October 28, 2012|Categories: Paleo-Hebrew Essentials|

Paleo-Hebrew TORAH

Hmm, you might wonder: did Moses really write His first Torah in this picture-letters form? If yes, I would like to see it, how does it look! If yes, please click on “Paleo-Hebrew TORAH” and you can see it with your own eyes. 😉 To be sure to have the Paleo-Hebrew fonts, please use FIREFOX or EXPLORER browser. Chrome or Safari doesn’t show it properly. […]

October 28, 2011|Categories: Paleo-Hebrew Essentials|
