
Did you know that when Moses, David or Isaiah were writing their original scrolls, each letter was an icon-representation of a real thing? When you put these icons or picture-letters in their original order you will discover “The Gospel in Aleph-Beith.” Let us call it “ABC of Love.”

Before our heavenly Father would create tangible worlds by His Word, He expressed the Word in its building blocks – picture-letters, which we might consider the DNA of the whole Universe.

Here is the ancient Paleo-Hebrew alphabet in one page for you: The ABC of the LOVE Cycle. It a nutshell it tells the engaging love story of our Abba Father and His Son Jesus Christ – ישוע המשיח. towards us. We are His by creation, by His blood redemption and also by our own choice.

If you would like to learn more, you can read this book about this magnificent discovery. There are few options: You can download the pdf for $7.00 or you can send us an email through our contact. If the price is not affordable for you we can send you the pdf for free in exchange for your promise to write us feedback, what did you learn, what other questions does it awaken in you. I believe it is reasonable.

Now the book is available also in printed form. You can use it in homeschooling for your little ones or in class for new believers who are interested in Jewish roots of our Christian faith. My special desire is to reach Messianic Jews who can relate to the content of the message the most.